
  • Hello Hupo

    I try on English Iam not good to germanny language.

    I have hope when A DE925 pager go in alarm there exampel on pin.3 come A voltage signal let us say 1,5 V I can amplifier with A transistor and after this A relay, but I can NOTHING Measurement out of the pager when this go in alarm ??
    If this is data communikation betwine the DME and LG ofcause I not can do this opperation. So now my quistion is ther data out of the pager or A voltage signal when det DME go in alarm ?

    MFG: Morten

  • Hello!

    On the DE92x are no static voltage by incomming alarm.
    Always if an DE92x was plugged into an charging- or programming-station, ther is an permanentily data-comminucation wich contains the charginlevel and A/D-words about voltage of the battery.

    If an alarm is commig in, der is only an data word for this alarm beween the other dataword's on the data-out.

    The station musst understand all dataword's from an DE920 because they must switsch and signaling the charging-levels.
    And, if the station has build in an relay and an external 5pole-DIN-Connactor, the dataword for an alarm to switch the relais.

    This will mean:
    It is an goog idea to buy an bigger station wich build in the alarm-relais.
    Otherways you must searching an signal somewhere on the board that changes by incomming alarm.
    If you found an useful signal, you can use them for driving an rerlais via an transistor.

    best regards

    Juergen Hueser